Friday, September 6, 2024

September 11 Hearing: Siesta Key Condo Rebuilds


Siesta Key

News & Updates

September 6, 2024

September 11 Public Hearing

Siesta Key Condo rebuilds

Protect Siesta Key opposes any changes to the Comprehensive Plan that would endanger the decades-old regulations protecting all barrier islands. We also oppose any changes to the zoning code that conflict with our Comprehensive Plan.

The Sarasota County Commission will conduct a public hearing on September 11, 2024, to review proposed changes to our Comprehensive Plan. These changes will increase the size of multifamily buildings (condos, timeshares, apartments) in the Residential Multi-family Districts on Siesta Key.

The proposal suggests allowing decades-old multifamily structures, which already exceed the maximum permitted densities and heights in the current zoning regulations, to become even larger. The Siesta Key Condominium Council is leading the opposition to this change. The Sarasota Planning Commission board previously rejected the proposed change to the Comprehensive Plan with an 8-0 vote a few weeks ago.

Many multifamily structures were platted or constructed prior to the implementation of current zoning regulations. Since 1975, the maximum height for structures in the residential multifamily districts (RMF) has been 35 feet for RMF Districts 1 and 2, and 45 feet for RMF District 3. Presently, approximately 137 structures on Siesta Key exceed these height limits as they were built before the adoption of these regulations. While the zoning regulations allow these structures to be rebuilt in the event of destruction by a disaster, if they are to be demolished voluntarily, they must adhere to the current zoning regulations regarding size including height.

The proposed change to our Comprehensive Plan would allow these tall structures to be rebuilt with parking underneath the residences, potentially increasing their height. For example, an 8-story building could become 10 stories or more. Additionally, this change would reduce the side yard and rear yard setbacks, resulting in wider, more massive buildings.

There are concerns that the proposed new regulations may mark just the beginning, becoming a Trojan horse for developers to add floors or density to our already crowded island.

Please take the time to read the attached PSK memo and the letter from Attorney Richard Grosso.

Protect Siesta Key Memo to the County Commission (link)

PSK's Memo Exhibits (link)

Attorney Richard Grosso Letter on proposed changes (link)

If you wish to voice your concerns, please send an email to the County Commission before Tuesday, September 10, to have your input included in the official record.

Email our County Commission (cut and paste into your email):

Copy the staff:

Let them know you agree with Protect Siesta Key, Inc. that the County should not amend the laws of our Comprehensive Plan!

Public Hearing information

Wednesday, Sept 11

Meeting time: starts at 9 am

Location: County Commission Chambers

Address: 1660 Ringling Blvd, Sarasota

Thank you for your support of our efforts to protect our Siesta Key!



What about Mega-hotels Public Hearings?

Sarasota County has not yet announced the date for public hearings regarding proposed changes to the laws in our Comprehensive Plan that would permit developers to construct multiple mega-sized hotels on Siesta Key. We are monitoring the Sarasota County website for public notices. However, there are a few County Commission meetings scheduled in both September and October. It's possible that the County may schedule a Planning Commission hearing in September, which is a preliminary meeting by an advisory group that will vote to either recommend or deny the acceptance of a proposed Comprehensive Plan or development plan change. This meeting is not as critical as the Sarasota County Commission public hearings, where the final decision will be made.

Consider marking your calendar for October 8, 9, 22, or 23, as potential dates for a Sarasota County Commission public hearing on mega-hotels. Until we receive further information, we do not know which date will be the actual hearing date. We will inform you promptly when we receive notice of a scheduled public hearing.