Jody Hudgins
Sarasota County Charter Review Board, District #4
1. Why do you think you’re particularly well suited for the Charter Review Board?
I have lived in Sarasota for 26 years. During that time I have served on the Sarasota County Planning Commission for twelves years (two terms as chairman), the City of Sarasota Police Pension Board for twelve years, The Salvation Army board for 15 years, and have been president and CEO of two successful banks in Sarasota. I feel with my government service and business experience I am uniquely qualified to fulfill the role of Charter Review Board.
2. Do you think the Charter Review Board should be changed from an elected board to an appointed board? Please explain.
At this time no, however the CRB has agreed to study the matter to see if it is a worthy change to bring to the voters. Sarasota County government works - I do not see a compelling reason at this time to change how we do things.
3. What are three issues that have been suggested for the CRB’s consideration that you feel are worthy of further inquiry? For each one, please explain why you think it’s important.
I have only most recently joined the CRB as an appointee of Governor Scott for an unexpired term, so I do not have the history or knowledge of past issues that have come before the board. I feel the CRB is the best venue for citizens of our county to voice their concerns and offer up changes to be studied and put to a vote for consideration.
4. What is your position on single-district elections?
Our county commission works best without single district elections. I have not been convinced in the whole that single district elections would be the best approach for all citizens of Sarasota county.
5. Do you believe citizen petition charter amendment drives should be subject to a time limit on gathering signatures?
Yes, but a reasonable time limit to give the CRB time to consider the outcome if necessary of the petition drive and study it's intent and value.
6. Do you believe advisory boards should be subject to a rule that aims to balance them by geography, areas of expertise, and relevant experience in advocacy? (For example, for the Planning Commission, at least one member with experience in advocating for affordable housing.)
Theoretically yes, practically I do not think this would be acceptable unless we went to appointed members of CRB which at this time I am not in favor of. Most of my twelve years on the Planning Commission I was one of the leading advocates for Affordable Housing initiatives in Comp Plan language, 2050 adoption and DRIs. As well as you can voice concern and help lead the discussion, it still takes interested parties to agree to affordable housing initiatives
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