Friday, April 19, 2019

High-Nitrogen Wastewater: Causes and Possible Solutions

Why did Sarasota's wastewater system suffer a billion gallons of overflow and spillage over the past 5 years? Why is the wastewater treated only to a level of 17-18 mg of nitrogen? Why are there spills and breaking pipes throughout the system? This panel attempts to address these issues, and their potential downstream effects - e.g., red tide.

Wastewater / Stormwater Panel at Tiger Bay 4.18.19: Justin Bloom, Suncoast Waterkeeper; former Sarasota commissioners Ray Pilon and Jon Thaxton; Chuck Walters, Sarasota Utilities. Frank Alcock moderated.

For a glimpse: "Redneck logic" - Thaxton

The videos below are two segments of the entire session, which can be found here.



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