Becky Ayech - a longtime advocate for water and sensible land use planning in East Sarasota - is leading a community effort to change the County's 2050 Comprehensive Plan. Their comp plan amendment (CPA) would restrict the "hamlet" format in portions of East County.
Her main concern is a plan proposed to intensify a 6,000-acre area at Fruitville Road and Verna Road. The plan was presented at a neighborhood workshop by Rod Krebs and Don Neu this past January. It proposed to double the density of a hamlet project and to run sewer utilities out from the Bee Ridge Wastewater Treatment Plant to the development to enable the higher density.
Ayesh has formed a coalition to change the Comp Plan to disallow this intensification. Her group has scheduled a hearing for May 13 in Old Miakka and invites all who have concerns to either attend or to write to the County.
Related documents here
Please, let's do everything to prevent urban sprawl from encroaching on the last remaining historic rural portion of Sarasota County.
ReplyDeleteThank you - now is the time - later is too late.