Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Board discounts voters, moves to redistrict

Sarasota County redistricting map crafted by political dirty trickster makes final cut 
Black voters worried they will be disenfranchised. 
Critics also complained about using a redistricting map drawn by a GOP operative convicted of a political dirty trick 
And concerns about flawed population data underpinning Sarasota County’s redistricting effort remain. 
Bob Waechter
But the majority of county commissioners pushed past those criticisms Wednesday and voted 3-2 to advertise two redistricting maps for a public hearing, including a map based on one drawn by former Sarasota GOP chairman Bob Waechter.
Waechter’s map was heavily promoted Wednesday by Commissioner Mike Moran, who also may have the most to gain if it is enacted. . . .
Newtown resident Barbara Langston, who is African American, complained that redistricting is “about voter suppression and it is about racism." . . . 
Nobody from the crowd spoke in favor of redistricting. 
Read More . . .

Quick cuts from the 10.30.19 Board meeting:

R.N. Collins

Lourdes Ramirez


 Adrien Lucas


Two maps chosen by Board for advertising ahead of final public hearing, and more map analysis here.

Kurt Spitzer Associates

Bob Waechter map modified by Spitzer


  1. Moran consistently votes against his constituents needs. He accepted over $4,200 in campaign contributions, with an ADDITIONAL $3,351 party reimbursement to James Gabbert who is trying (and IS building) a dump at Celery Fields.The overwhelming majority of citizens do not want this. Guess who he voted with: Gabbert. He takes in large blocks of developer money. His votes almost always align with their interests over his own constituents. $4,400 from Medallion Homes Carlos Beruff? He voted to allow Medallion Homes to build of a site previously deemed unsuitable for development do to toxins (Old Foxfire Golf Course). $1,800 from Bob Waechter, yes, the same Bob Waechter that is a convicted felon for illegal campaign contributions who is behind the redistricting map that is under consideration by the board that favors Moran. Follow the money yourself:
    Go to candidate financial reports. Download the Excel file. In Excel, select Sort and Filter tab, Sort address by A to Z. Look at the large blocks of money. $200 contribution limit? Not for them.

  2. Moran consistently votes against his constituents needs. He accepted over $4,200 in campaign contributions, with an ADDITIONAL $3,351 party reimbursement to James Gabbert who is trying (and IS building) a dump at Celery Fields.The overwhelming majority of citizens do not want this. Guess who he voted with: Gabbert. He takes in large blocks of developer money. His votes almost always align with their interests over his own constituents. $4,400 from Medallion Homes Carlos Beruff? He voted to allow Medallion Homes to build of a site previously deemed unsuitable for development do to toxins (Old Foxfire Golf Course). $1,800 from Bob Waechter, yes, the same Bob Waechter that is a convicted felon for illegal campaign contributions who is behind the redistricting map that is under consideration by the board that favors Moran. Follow the money yourself:
    Go to candidate financial reports. Download the Excel file. In Excel, select Sort and Filter tab, Sort address by A to Z. Look at the large blocks of money. $200 contribution limit? Not for them.
