The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing
which stands in the way… William Blake
Before our elected officials voted on a motion from Nancy Detert to sell out Old Miakka's rural corner of east Sarasota, Bill Zoller penned an eloquent letter reminding us that what was at stake is our connection to the past.
Becky Ayech led the effort to protect rural heritage lands. After the hearing she said:
"There are many ways to skin a cat and one is to VOTE!"
Speaking of which, the local Sierra Group has released its candidate recommendations in all local races for November.
While our "mainstream" media choose to offer no debates or forums, private organizations including the League of Women Voters, Tiger Bay, Control Growth Now, and WSLR are doing what they can You'll find links to upcoming forums here, and recorded recent forums here.
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