When the custodians of public planning are unaware their own maps are out of date, one has to wonder: What else do they not know they do not know?
According to this March 21, 2021 story from the Herald Tribune, the Board of County Commissioners, which is moving to eliminate citizen amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, has failed to update key planning tools.
According to a citizen petition:
"In total, more than 10,000 acres of Sarasota 2050 RMAs are incorrectly designated on RMA-1 and RMA-3."
Certain maps have not been updated in nearly 30 years, says Ron Collins, one of the citizens petitioning the County to update erroneous maps that mislead homeowners and cost developers and affected citizens time and money to straighten out. according to the HT:
A resident will believe, based on the map, that their property is against an area designated as a greenway.
“You think it could never be developed as a village when in fact that is wrong and at that point, a village can be built in your backyard,” Collins said.
Update-to-date maps help people navigate the planning process more efficiently. They save applicants time and money. They make it easier for the public to understand what can be built in a particular location. And they make rezone and permit approvals more predictable.
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