Friday, August 5, 2022

Planning Commission recommends Lakewood Ranch expansion despite Old Miakka impact

Green blotch shows proposed 4,100-acre expansion of Lakewood Ranch

Lakewood Ranch developer Rex Jensen    
The Planning Commission is an appointed Board. It reviews proposals and recommends approvals / denials to the Board of Sarasota County Commissioners.

Below is a note from Becky Ayech on the result of the 8.4.22 Planning Commission Hearing regarding the expansion of Lakewood Ranch and the threat it poses to the Old Miakka Community. (Background here). 

Official Video of Meeting Here 

(Begin around 1 hour 11 minute mark) 

First, it was great to have so many people show up and fill out speakers cards.  I will get a total, but I can tell you it was a lot.

Our attorney, Richard Grosso, was very impressed with us, but of course, we are impressive.

Special thanks to the folks who "read" information into the record.  It is hard to do which is why you don't find me doing it.

Lourdes Ramirez was one of many
speakers at Old Miakka Hearing
The vote was 4-3 to approve, but that is a victory.* The last few times the Community has appeared before them, it was a 7-0 vote against us.

So our arguments were persuasive enough to get almost 1/2 the vote.

The County Commission meeting is August 31st, no time yet, but during the day.

Our focus will now be on educating the Commissioners.


Becky Ayech

*(Editor's note: Colin Pember made the motion to approve this major Comprehensive Plan Amendment. The commissioners are volunteers appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. Pember is Division Director of Land Acquisition at Pulte Homes.

1 comment:

  1. Heartfelt thanks to all who showed up at the Planning Commission hearing last night. You all did an amazing job - and 3 minutes is really short! Friends from all across the County oppose this proposed sprawl that will consume over 4,000 acres of our precious rural lands. For what purpose? For what benefit? Certainly not to benefit Sarasota County residents, our rural areas, our quality of life, or our health, safety and welfare. Certainly seems to benefit Pat Neal, Rex Jensen, SMR and other developers. The only reason behind expansion of Lakewood Ranch into our rural area is greed.
