Monday, October 10, 2022

Regressive Sarasota invites citizens to diminish their own Charter Amendment Power

Since We the People voted for Single Member Districts, the Board of Sarasota County Commissioners has tried and tried to repeal our vote.

  • Then they held a special election to repeal our Charter Amendment, and again they were defeated.
  • They kicked the issue to the Charter Review Board, which heard from dozens of citizens, and in the end told the Commission to take a hike.
  • In the upcoming election they're trying to diminish citizen power to amend the Charter. Page 3 of your ballot has the nerve to invite you to vote to make it more difficult for private citizens to amend the Charter.
The Board's public policy is totally REGRESSIVE, and wants your help to continue. Send them a resounding NO on both County Charter Amendments (p. 3 of your ballot).

#singlememberdistrictvoting #ballot #charteramendments #progressive #regressive

1 comment:

  1. The problem is that you citizens keep getting in the way of what teh commissions contributors need to get done. Copied this to Voices Keep Up The Good Trouble
