Monday, April 3, 2023

Tallahassee is about to destroy our right to protect Florida

1000 Friends of Florida says: 

SB 540, “Local Government Comprehensive Plans,” and its counterpart in the Florida House of Representatives, HB 359, have moved rapidly through the legislative process, with only one committee stop left in the Senate. Join us in calling for Senate leadership to stop SB 540 from being placed on the Rules Committee agenda and shut down this bad bill. More here.

Why is this crucial? Let's remember:

Rick Scott

'RedTideRick' defanged Florida's Regional Planning Councils, depriving them of enforcement power over large scale developments. This power had kept DRI's (Developments of Regional Impact) from their worst excesses.

 Scott also extinguished the Dept of Community Affairs (DCA). 

Without those regional and state regulatory layers, the only thing standing between Carlos, Pat, Randy, Rex and their unlimited ambitions was local government. So Carlos, Pat, Randy and Rex bought the Sarasota and Manatee Boards. 

That left only We the People to oppose developments with bad impacts. 

When (if) SB 540 and House Bill 359 pass, if we file suit to oppose a terrible project, like building right alongside wetlands, the state and DeSantis will make us liable for huge attorney fees. 

The Florida Chapter of the American Planning Association says 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Tom. This posting made it easy for me to send my words of opposition to the state senators. Catherine
