Wednesday, July 24, 2024

1000 Friends Recognized for Grassroots Initiatives

We are pleased to share that 1000 Friends will receive American Planning Association (APA) Florida’s Award of Excellence for Grassroots Initiatives. APA Florida will present this award at its annual statewide conference of professional planners on September 4 in Tampa.


“We are gratified to get this recognition from APA Florida,” said 1000 Friends President Paul Owens. “Educating Floridians to participate knowledgeably and effectively in the community planning process is our top goal.”

Established in 1986 to support managing growth in one of the fastest growing states in the nation, 1000 Friends of Florida’s mission statement notes:

Above all, we strive to give citizens a meaningful role in shaping the futures of their communities and state.

We at 1000 Friends take this mission to heart.

For more than two decades we have focused on supporting an informed cadre of “citizen planners” to provide meaningful input at the local, regional, and state levels. Through free webinars, landmark studies depicting the impacts of population growth and development on our lands and waters, legislative advocacy, special reports, a robust “clearinghouse” website, and more, 1000 Friends prioritizes empowering Florida’s citizens to engage in their planning process.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • Dr. John M. DeGrove Webinars – Since 2011, close to 45,000 attendees have participated in our more than 120 free Florida-specific webinars which feature recognized leaders sharing strategies to build better communities and save special places. 
  • Legislative Advocacy – Each session we maintain a user-friendly webpage to track key legislation, conduct legislative preview, update, and wrap up webinars, and send regular email updates to close to 20,000 contacts with updates and calls to action when relevant.
  • Visioning – In partnership with the University of Florida Center for Landscape Conservation Planning, our 2040/2070 studies depict the potential impact of millions of new residents and sea level rise on Florida’s natural and agricultural lands and waters and have served as the basis for ten county-specific workshops, with four more planned in coming months.
  • Website – Our robust website serves as a clearinghouse for all things planning in Florida, including citizen-friendly information on conserving Florida’s lands and waters, supporting sustainable and resilient communities, fostering community engagement, and more. 
  • Special Reports – We prepare concise planning reports on a host of topics, post them on our website, and share widely to make planning issues understandable to a larger audience. 
  • Traditional and Social Media – We amplify our message through traditional and social media and, according to the media platform Meltwater, articles and information by or about 1000 Friends and our planning work had a reach of almost 1.8 billion over the last year. 

In all we do, we attempt to crystallize the key issues, offer workable solutions, and provide step-by-step strategies to spur change.   We embrace innovative technologies and traditional grassroots tools to promote shared values such as quality of life, clean drinking water, and fiscal responsibility. 

We believe that 1000 Friends’ multifaceted grassroots initiatives have, collectively, elevated awareness of the importance of sound planning, citizen engagement, and sustainability throughout Florida. 

We thank the highly respected APA Florida for this recognition.

We also are indebted to Florida friends like you who partner with us to bring about positive change in one of the fastest growing states in the nation.

With appreciation for all you do,

Vivian Young, AICP

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