Monday, July 15, 2024

Antunes: Following the Money for District 1 Teresa Mast

From Cathy Antunes' The Detail 

It used to be that candidates were prohibited from even coordinating their campaigns with PACs. No more! Now candidates are actually administering their own PACs, usually as the chairman. It’s a gross conflict of interest. Instead of being limited to the new lofty “limit” of a $1000 donation from any one person or corporate entity, now candidates for local office in Florida can set up their own PACs and get unlimited funds from donors. Can Florida’s campaign finance ethics get any worse?

Have a look at Friends of Teresa Mast. Mrs. Mast is running for Sarasota County Commission, District One, and she is chairing her namesake PAC:

On July 24, Cathy Antunes will present her latest research into Dark Money at 5:30 pm at Fruitville Library, 100 Apex Road - right next to the new Publix and the rising County Administration Building.

Meanwhile, read Cathy's full post on The Detail relating to candidate funding and the dangers to fair elections.

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