Thursday, June 23, 2022

Palingenetic Fascism takes the Alamo

The soul of the Republican Party is dead. The Platform from the Texas GOP conference shows they are coming after the rights and the lives of someone—maybe everyone—you know. And then they’re coming for you. This is Palingenetic Ultranationalism - aka Fascism. TrumpPutin was just a trial run. SOURCE is their platform itself. Linked at the bottom.

Definition of Marriage: We support the definition of marriage as a God-ordained, legal, and moral covenant only between one biological man and one biological woman.

State Authority over Marriage: We support withholding jurisdiction from the federal courts in cases involving family law, especially any changes in the definition of marriage.
Spousal Benefits: We shall not recognize or grant to any unmarried person the legal rights or status a spouse, as defined in Principle #6 of the Platform, including granting benefits by political subdivisions. 
No-Fault Divorce: We urge the Legislature to rescind unilateral no-fault divorce laws and support covenant marriage and to pass legislation extending the period of time in which a divorce may occur to six months after the date of filing for divorce. 
Nullify Unconstitutional We believe the Obergefell v. Hodges decision, overturning the Texas law prohibiting same-sex marriage in Texas, has no basis in the Constitution and should be nullified.


We recognize that gender identity disorder is a genuine and extremely rare mental health condition and that denial of an immutable gender binary not only denies those with the condition proper mental healthcare but also leads to physically and psychologically abusive “social transitioning” as well as irreversible physical mutilation. We urge the State Legislature to pass legislation that requires adherence to sex identifications on all official documents that will be based upon biological gender, as well as legislation enacting civil penalties and fiscal compensation awarded to de-transitioners who have received “gender affirming surgery” as compensation for malpractice.


Abolish Abortion: Since life begins at fertilization, we urge the Texas Legislature to abolish abortion 1242 through enacting legislation that would immediately secure the rights to life and would nullify any and all federal statutes, regulations, orders, and court rulings that would deny these rights.

Inviolability of Life and Fundamental Right to Life: All innocent human life must be respected and safeguarded from fertilization to natural death; therefore, the unborn, the aged, and the physically or mentally challenged have a fundamental individual right to life, which cannot be infringed. We respect the uniqueness of human life and oppose practices which corrupt human DNA, mix human and animal DNA, or other trans-humanist initiatives that do not respect the sanctity and uniqueness of human life. All humans are endowed by their creator with sovereign rights of ownership of their person and DNA, regardless of any DNA modification, and claims to the contrary are invalid.


State Self-Defense: We urge the Texas Legislature to invoke Art I, § 10, cl. 3 of the US Constitution, also known as the state self-defense clause, which asserts that under an active invasion (as defined or declared by the Governor of the State or Texas Legislature), the sovereign state of Texas has the authority and duty to defend Texas citizens against “imminent Danger,” not admitting delay, by any and all appropriate measures the sovereign state defines as necessary to defend from such assaults.

Immediately equip the Texas Military with the necessary tools and authority to serve and protect Texas State territories and citizens.

Fair Elections Procedures: We support the right of eligible voters to cast a ballot in each election once, but we oppose illegal voting, illegal assistance, or ineligible persons. We support:
  • Vigorous enforcement of all our election laws as written and oppose any laws, lawsuits, and judicial decisions that make voter fraud very difficult to deter, detect, or prosecute.
  • Voter Photo ID.
  • Prohibition of internet voting for public office and any ballot measure.
  • That mail-in ballots must be requested and only granted to those that cannot physically appear in-person.
  • Increased scrutiny and security in balloting by mail to including removal of Section 87.014 (d-1) of the Texas Election code to require once again full signature verification with the need to rebut regardless of whether paper identification numbers are on the application and ballot carrier envelope.
  • Felony status for willful violations of the election code and increasing penalty for voter fraud from a misdemeanor back to a felony.
  • The constitutional authority of state legislatures to regulate voting, including disenfranchisement of convicted felons.
  • Changes to the appropriate sections of Texas law that would deny or cancel homestead exemptions, driver licenses, and License to Carry, if the addresses on those documents DO NOT match the address on the voter’s registration
  • Consolidating elections to primary, run-off, special called, and General Election days and locations
  • Sequentially numbered and signed ballots to deter counterfeiting.
  • Expanding the Attorney General’s staff for investigating election crimes and restoring the ability of the Attorney General to prosecute any election crimes.
  • The ability for civil lawsuits to be filed for election fraud or failure of officials to follow the election code.
  • Allowing trained Poll Watchers from anywhere in Texas with local Party or Candidate approval.
  • Creating processes that will allow rapid adjudication of election law violation disputes as they occur and before violations can be successfully perpetrated.
  • Withdrawing from Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC).

Voter Registration: We support restoring integrity to the voter registration rolls and reducing voter fraud by:
  • repealing all motor voter laws.
  • requiring voters to re-register, if they have not voted in a five-year period.
  • requiring photo ID of all registrants.
  • requiring proof of residency and citizenship along with the voter registration application. retaining the 30-day registration deadline.
  • requiring that a list of certified deaths be provided to the Secretary of State in order for the names of deceased voters be removed from the list of registered voters. periodic checks on the voter rolls to ensure all currently registered voters are eligible.
  • giving the Secretary of State enforcement authority to ensure county registrar compliance with Secretary of State directives.
  • revising Title 19 funding to avoid incentivizing retention of ineligible voters.
  • use any undedicated federal election funds received to improve the security of our online voter registration data.


One World: The United States is a sovereign nation founded on the principles of freedom. We reject any assertion of authority over our nation or its citizens from foreign individuals or entities, such as the World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, and the United Nations. We reject the concept of One World Government, or The Great Reset.

United Nations: The United Nations is a detriment to the sovereignty of the United States and other countries; because of this we support:
  • Our withdrawal from the current United Nations.
  • The removal of the United Nations from United States soil.
  • The opposition to placement of US troops under command of the United Nations.
  • The rejection of all Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 policies and programs.
  • The rejection of all related NGOs, councils, and environmental programs.
  • A zero-budget allotment of American tax dollars to any United Nations programs.
  • The opposition to any designation of World Heritage Sites in the United States and especially in Texas.
  • Withdrawal from the UN Arms Trade Treaty.
  • Withdrawal from the corrupt World Health Organization (WHO).
  • Prohibition of any Global Pandemic Treaty, International Health Regulations (IHR), or amendments to IHR that would infringe on our national sovereignty.
  • A credible, impartial, and international investigation into the WHO’s and China’s actions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Withdrawal from the UN International Baccalaureate Organization.
  • The rejection of the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  • The rejection of any attempt to allow the United Nations or any other foreign entity to levy taxes on the United States or its citizens.


Election: We believe that the 2020 election violated Article 1 and 2 of the US Constitution, that various secretaries of state illegally circumvented their state legislatures in conducting their elections in multiple ways, including by allowing ballots to be received after November 3, 2020.

We believe that substantial election fraud in key metropolitan areas significantly affected the results in five key states in favor of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

We reject the certified results of the 2020 Presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States.

We strongly urge all Republicans to work to ensure election integrity and to show up to vote in November of 2022.

Source: Report of the 2022 Permanent Platform and Resolutions Committee

“The battlefield used to be between Republicans and Democrats,” he told the convention on Saturday. “Then it was between conservatives and liberals. Now the battlefield has once again changed. We must improvise, adapt and overcome to defeat our enemy. This new battlefield, this new battlefield is between patriots and traitors.”  More

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