The Charter Review Board's plan to reduce our rights to actively participate in our Home Rule Sarasota County Charter went before the Board on Tuesday, and the Board unanimously voted to hold a Public Hearing, which is required before they can place their amendment on the ballot - an amendment that will make it harder for citizens to amend the Charter. The Board wasn't even going to discuss the CRB's plan until several citizens spoke up - Vic Rohe, Alexandra Coe, Mike Cosentino and more.
On Friday, June 10, I submitted my official paperwork to run once again for the Sarasota County Charter Review Board. Hopefully, this time the voters will look beyond the D after my last name and realize I support the issues over 60 percent of voters also support in this county.
For example, mandatory recycling (approved by the voters in November 1990); single-member district voting for county commission (approved by the voters in 2018 and reaffirmed in 2020); a vibrant, open and free exchange of ideas during Charter Review Board meetings (preserved so far, but always under attack); and reasonable, prudent controls on sprawling growth that endangers Sarasota County's fragile environment and the future livability and unique character of our special part of Florida (perhaps a lost cause).
The Charter Review Board has always served as the alternative method for citizens to circumvent the Sarasota County Commission when that board acts in lock step against the will of the majority of citizens. That's why the county commission over the past 50 years has repeatedly sought ways to block, undermine, discredit, belittle, devalue and ultimately eliminate the CRB.
It's unfortunate that the Sarasota County Commission will not embrace the founding principle and stated goal of the CRB contained in the Charter - our county's establishing document - "On behalf of the citizens of Sarasota County, the Charter Review Board shall review and recommend changes to the County Charter for improvement of County government."
In other words - the citizens, all of us, are given the opportunity to make changes we feel will IMPROVE county government. For many on the current board, and previous boards, this concept was threatening, upsetting, annoying, and perhaps represents an affront and challenge to their ultimate power and control over the citizenry.
The preservation of the CRB is my primary goal for running once again, and even in defeat, if I can get this message out there once again - the importance of liberty, freedom and democracy in Sarasota County - then I've done all I can.
Ray is at
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