You know, in some municipalities - the lovely city of Asheville, NC, for example - government agendas are published two weeks ahead of time, giving citizens a chance to go through them carefully, and circulate annotated comments with context and analysis for those who could be impacted by decisions their Board is contemplating.
In Sarasota County, Board agendas come out late on Friday afternoon for the following Tuesday. The agenda for tomorrow, June 7, is here, and it has 77 items. If Alexandra Coe, who is a member of the Charter Review Board, had not circulated an email today, many would not be aware of item #2, by which the Board can vote to hold a public hearing to make it more difficult for citizens to amend the county charter.
Here is what Ms. Coe wrote:
Liberty has no party and if these amendments pass, there will be NO GOVERNMENT of, for and by the people in Sarasota County.We need people at the Board of County Commission meeting at 1660 Ringling tomorrow morning at 8:45 to speak and fill the room. The agenda is attached. Please notify your groups.The Republican Liberty Caucus is presenting a resolution to postpone the hearing and asking for revisions to the amendments.Short history...
A Special Committee was created in 2019, in response to the SMD amendment passing to make it more difficult to amend the CharterOn October 14, 2020, in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and without citizen input or consent, the Sarasota County Charter Review Board held a public hearing and approved two proposed amendments to ARTICLE VII, Section 7.1 of the Sarasota County Charter.
Here's the thing - these amendments emerged from a backroom plot back in 2020. They arose in reaction to the fact that citizens of Sarasota had shocked the established syndicate by successfully changing our County Charter to Slngle Member District Voting.Popular Sovereignty is government based on consent of the people. The government’s source of authority is the people, and its power is not legitimate if it disregards the will of the people. These proposed amendments violate popular sovereignty.
The Board tried every which way - including holding a costly special election last year - to reverse the will of the voters - but SMDs prevailed. Instead of developers buying official seats, actual candidates from Districts 2 and 4 will face the voters of their districts in this year's election.
The Charter Review Board has been working on this strategic sabotage of our amendment powers for more than TWO YEARS -- yet it's only slipped into the agenda now, for tomorrow, June 7, 2022. The Board will set a date - July 12, it seems - for a public hearing, then set a special election, so that citizens of Sarasota can vote to reduce their ability to amend their own County Charter.
Yep. Sneaky motions, sneaky agendas, Board machinations that try to keep citizens in the dark, out of the loop, and so confused that they'll vote against their own rights and interests.
Perhaps it's time for the adults in the room to let these children know we see them.
"" Instead of developers buying official seats, actual candidates from Districts 2 and 4 will face the voters of their districts in this year's election."" We will have to watch the Financial Reports and the 'outside' ads to be certain our 'actual' candidates are that, indeed.